Recent posts and articles
Cavanah Café - April 12th, 2019
RFI stands for Request For Innovation
Making Lean "lean" is counterproductive
Do's and Don'ts of e-sourcing tools
RFx Procurement tools - How to use them?
Procurement support to growth
How to minimize Procurement fraud?
How to negotiate with sole source suppliers?
Digital transformation is just like teenage sex
Digital Transformation of Procurement
Which model for my Procurement organization?
Procurement impact on financial performance
Closed loop spend management
Kaizen Principles
Procurement Classification, the first step to Spend Analysis
What is the right size of your Procurement function?
CSR, if you don't do it, who will?
Ten-step Procurement strategy development + Tools
Supplier Differentiation
SRM (Supplier Relationship Management) essentials
Buy less, buy better, buy cheaper
The Maturity Matrix: The backbone of your Procurement transformation project
Ten-step Strategic Sourcing
Spend Analysis
Sourcing Value Lifecycle
"3P" Procurement Organization
One piece flow vs. batch production